survey and reporting

Survey and Reporting notes

Survey and Reporting notes

UNIT 1: SURVEY 1. Define Survey? Write about types of surveys? A. INTRODUCTION: Survey: A survey is a research method. A survey is used for collecting data from a predefined group. A survey is an investigation in which information is systematically collected. Experimental methods are not used in a survey. CONTENT: Types of survey: survey is mainly divided into three types. They are 1. Based on Deployment method 2. Based on Time 3. Based on number of respondents 1. Based on deployment method: Survey based on deployment method is again classified into four main types. They are a. Online survey b. Paper survey c. Telephonic survey d. One to one survey a. Online survey: The survey which is conducted via online is called online survey. The questions are deployed to respondents via mail, internet. These surveys are easy to design and easy to deploy. b. Paper survey: The survey which is conducted using paper and pencil is called paper survey. This is the most expensive method to collect data. It requires a large number of human resources, time, money. c. Telephonic survey: The survey which is conducted over telephone is called telephonic survey. It is time consuming. It is non-conclusive as only few people answer the phone. d. One to one survey: In this survey the researcher directly gathers information from a respondent. Researcher requires knowledge and experience to ask questions one by one. This survey can last from 30 minutes to few hours. 2. Based on time: Survey based on time is classified under three types. They are a. Cross-sectional survey b. Longitudinal survey c. Retrospective survey a. Cross-sectional survey: This survey is conducted in a small-time frame. This survey offers a quick summary of thoughts of respondents at that given time. This survey can compare more samples at one given point of time. b. Longitudinal survey: This survey is conducted over an extended period. There are three main types i. Trend survey: the survey conducted to understand how people’s inclination change with time. ii. Panel survey: the survey used to measure people’s behavior. iii. Cohort survey: the survey conducted on a group of people having same criteria and characteristics. c. Retrospective survey: In this survey respondents answer questions to report on past events. Researches gather data on past experiences and beliefs of people. By conducting this survey some people can be motivated to show growth from before to after. 3. Based on number of respondents: Survey based on number of respondents is classified into three types. They are a. Case study survey b. Sampled survey c. Census survey a. Case study survey: This survey collects information from a part of a group or community. This survey only provides specific information about the community studied. b. Sampled survey: Sample means a small portion of a group. The survey conducted on sampled portion of a group is called sampled survey. The results of this survey reflect the results of surveying entire population. c. Census survey: Survey conducted by asking questions to each and every member of the population. This survey gives most accurate information of the group. This survey may not be practical for large groups, best done with smaller groups. 2. Define sampling? Write about characteristics of sampling? A. INTRODUCTION: Sample: A sample is a part of total population. It is a subset of population. It represents total population and suitable for research in terms of cost, convenience and time. CONTENT: Sampling: Sampling is a technique of selecting sample from the population . Sampling is done to make statistical inferences from sample. Sampling estimates characteristics of the whole population. Need of sampling: 1. It requires less time. 2. It is cost efficient. 3. It is more practical. 4. It is less complicated. Characteristics of a good sample: 1. Representativeness: Representativeness means the fact of group representing large group accurately. Samples must be the best representative of population. 2. Accuracy: Accuracy means exactness, or unbiasedness. Sample must represent the population exactly. It should be free from any influence that causes differences between sample value and population value. 3. Size: A good sample must be sufficient in size and good in quality or performance. Size depends on number of factors some of them are: - • Nature of universe: whether the nature is homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous means similar, heterogeneous means different. • Classes: if a large number of classes are to be made then size of sample should be more • Nature of study: for intensive study, large samples are to be taken. For general study, large number of respondents are appropriate. For technical study, large number of respondents may cause difficulty. 4. Goal-oriented: Goal oriented means focused on some objective. Sample design must be goal oriented to research the objectives and fit to the survey conditions. 5. Accurate representative of the universe: The sample should represent the universe accurately. The sample will represent the universe accurately only when all types of units or groups are in fair proportions. 6. Proportional: A sample should be proportional. Samples should represent the universe properly or accurately. The sample should be sufficiently large to provide statistical stability or reliability. 7. Random selection: A sample should be selected at random. This means that each and every item has equal chance of being selected and included in the sample. 8. Economical: A sample should be economical. The objectives of sample should be achieved with minimum cost and effort. 9. Practical: A sample should be practical. A sample should be simple. The sample should be capable of being understood and followed in the fieldwork. 10. Actual information provided: A sample should provide actual information required for the study. A sample should provide sufficient basis for the measurement of its own reliability. CONCLUSION: In brief, a good sample should be truly representative in character. It should be selected at random. It should be adequately proportional. 3.- Define survey? Explain why we need to conduct survey? (or) explain need for conducting survey? A. INTRODUCTION: Survey: A survey is a research method. A survey is used for collecting data from a predefined group. A survey is an investigation in which information is systematically collected. Experimental methods are not used in a survey. CONTENT: Reasons for conducting survey: organizations conduct survey to discover answers to certain questions. Some of the reasons for conducting survey are 1. Uncover the answers: • Uncovering means removing the cover. • When a surveyor asks a question to someone, then that person may give positive response because they are worried about offending to the question. • So, methods such as online surveys, paper surveys, or mobile surveys are more private and gives accurate results than face-to-face survey or telephone survey. 2. Reviews: • Your product might look significant to your team because they have worked on it for so long. • But, how do you know about customer satisfactions and customer needs? • Conducting survey gives answer to this question. • So, survey is important. 3. Compare results: • Surveys provide snapshot of attitudes and behaviors including thoughts, opinions, and comments about your target survey population. • Surveys help to monitor and compare the past results. 4. Make better decision-making: • For a business, it is vital to make decisions that make a positive impact. • Making assumptions on one’s own perspective may not be best one. • So, survey must be conducted to know the information from the audience, and decision has to be made on that response. 5. Evoke discussion: • Discussing about survey with respondents help to dig deeper into your survey. • Discussions can encourage topics related to survey within a broader perspective. 6. Feedback opportunities: • Survey provides opportunity to provide feedback on the survey topic. • It helps to know different people’s opinion on the survey topic. 7. Uncover new opportunities: • Surveys help to uncover new opportunities. • There is no need of producing highly sophisticated products but producing the products what audience need is important. • Survey helps to know audience requirements which results in creating new opportunities. 8. Enhance customer experience: • Surveys help to know customer experience. • It makes the researcher to know what makes his/her customer happy. • Survey tells whether the customer is satisfied or not with the product. 9. Know your competitors: • Conducting surveys helps you to know about your competitors. • It also helps to know what your competitors lacks. 10. Cut down losses: • Surveys helps brands to identify what they need to do and when they need to do. • It helps to predict the downfalls in specific trends. CONCLUSION: so, finally we can say that surveys are important as they are most reliable method to get real feedback from our subscribers surveys also allow us to get a better idea of what’s going on in the world. 4.- what is online survey? Write about advantages of online survey? A. INTRODUCTION: Online survey: • A survey which is conducted over internet is called online survey. • It consumes less time. • A set of questions are prepared and uploaded in the internet or sent to respondent. • Respondent completes the survey generally by filling a form. CONTENT: Advantages of Online survey: 1. Accuracy: § Accuracy means exactness. § In online survey, the margin of error is low. § According to study, human intervention increases the margin of error by 10%. 2. Easy: § Online survey is easy to conduct. § All set of questions are uploaded in internet and respondent can access them with link or website name. § As all responses are stored online, it is easy to draw inference and share the result. 3. Quick: § Online survey is quick and efficient. § Through online survey, collecting the responses and analyzing the responses is quick. § Online survey is quick as number of users can fill the survey form at a time over internet. 4. Ease of participation: § Ease of participation increases as the respondents can choose a suitable time and place, according to their convenience, to register responses. § Now a days, everyone is showing interest to receive survey forms over email. 5. Great branding exercise: § In online design, organizations have opportunity to develop their questionnaire to align with their brand. § Organizations can embed logos, images, same brand products so that respondents can connect better with the brand. 6. Honest: § Respondents are honest and flexible at the same time. § Respondents actively participate in online surveys rather than answering lengthy questions. § By designing questionnaires that ask relevant questions, respondents are honest with their answers. 7. Survey templates: § Expert designed survey templates are readily available in internet. § Researchers can choose any one template and can conduct their survey easily. § These templates different questions to different industries which make the study more efficient. CONCLUSION: § Online surveys are easy and quick. § Online surveys reduce the time and cost efficient. § Through online surveys the response is honest. 5.- Define survey? What are advantages and disadvantages of survey? A. INTRODUCTION: Survey: A survey is a research method. A survey is used for collecting data from a predefined group. A survey is an investigation in which information is systematically collected. Experimental methods are not used in a survey. CONTENT: Advantages of survey: Conducting survey has various advantages. Some of the advantages are • High representativeness. • Convenient data gathering. • Less development time. • Good statistical significance. • Scalability. 1. High representativeness: Representativeness means the fact of group representing large group accurately. Surveys are able to extract data that are near to exact attributes of larger population. 2. Convenient data gathering: Though surveys Data can be gathered conveniently. Now a days online survey is the most popular way of gathering information from target participants. Researchers are able to collect data/ information from people around the globe. 3. Less development time: Surveys forms can be developed in less time. The survey templates are readily available over internet which are prepared by experts. 4. Good statistical significance: Because of high representativeness, it is easier to find statistically significant result. Multiple variables can also be effectively analyzed using surveys. 5. Scalability: Survey provides opportunities for scalability. A well-constructed survey allows us to gather data from an audience of any size. Surveys allow companies to increase the efficiency of their customer onboarding processes. Disadvantages of survey: Conducting survey has various disadvantages. Some of them are • Idealness. • Dishonest answers. • Incomplete answers. • Accessibility issues. • Lack of knowledge. 1. Idealness: surveys are not ideal for controversial issues. Questions that bear controversies may not be precisely answered by the participants. The results accurateness depends on gathering methods. 2. Dishonest answers: Respondents give answers dishonestly as their privacy is a top priority. The risk of receiving dishonest answer is lower when you use anonymous surveys. This problem cannot be solved 100%. 3. Incomplete answers: Respondents give incomplete answers. If some questions are not required, then maximum number of respondents do not answer them. 4. Accessibility issues: Lack of accessibility is a threat that researches face during surveys. The persons who have visual or hearing impairment cannot give response to the survey. In online survey, lack of internet is also an accessibility issue. 5. Lack of knowledge: Respondents may not be fully aware of their reasons for any given answer. They may not have knowledge on the survey topic and thus give random answers. This could lead to unclear data. 6.- Define sampling? Explain types or techniques or methods? A. INTRODUCTION: Sample: A sample is a part of total population. It is a subset of population. It represents total population and suitable for research in terms of cost, convenience and time. CONTENT: Sampling: Sampling is a technique of selecting sample from the population . Sampling is done to make statistical inferences from sample. Sampling estimates characteristics of the whole population. Types of sampling: There are several different sampling techniques available, and they are subdivided into two groups. They are 1. Probability sampling. 2. Non probability sampling. Probability sampling: • Probability means equal chance of occurrence. • Probability sampling is a sampling technique where a researcher sets a selection of few criteria and chooses members of a population randomly. • Here all the members have equal opportunity to be a part of the sample. • This is also called as random sampling. • Probability sample gives us the best chance to create sample that is truly representative of the population. • Probability sampling is again divided into four types. They are 1. Simple random sampling. 2. Systematic sampling. 3. Stratified sampling. 4. Cluster sampling. 1. Simple random sampling: o Random means having no particular order. o Every individual is selected without having a specific order. o Here, every individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of population has an equal chance of being selected. 2. Systematic sampling: o Systemic means having a fixed plan or system. o In this type first individual is selected randomly and others are selected using a fixed ‘sampling interval’. o This sampling method has predefined range. o This method is least time consuming. 3. Stratified sampling: o Stratified means divided into levels or classes or subgroups. o Stratified sampling means selecting sample from a different levels or classes. o Stratified division is based on different traits like gender, category, etc. o We use this type of sampling when we want representation from all the subgroups of population. 4. Cluster sampling: o Cluster means a group of similar things. o Cluster sampling means selecting subgroups as the sample unit rather than individuals. o Whole cluster is randomly selected. o Clusters are identified and included in a sample based on demographic parameters like age, sex, location, etc. Non probability sampling: • Probability means equal chance of occurrence. • Non probability means not having equal chance of occurrence. • All elements of a population do not have equal opportunities to be part of the sample. • This sampling may not represent the desired target population. • Non probability sampling is again divided into four types. They are 1. Convenience sampling. 2. Quota sampling. 3. Judgement sampling. 4. Snowball sampling. 1. Convenience sampling: o Convenience means proceed with something without difficulty. o Convenience sampling means the process of selecting a sample without any difficulty. o This method is used when there are time and cost limitations in collecting feedback. o This is the easiest method of sampling. o Individuals are selected based on their availability and willingness to take part. 2. Quota sampling: o Quota means a fixed share. o Quota sampling means selecting members based on a fixed or pre-set standard. o Quota sampling has an advantage of being relatively straight forward and potentially representative. o This sampling may not be the best representation of characteristics of the population that weren’t considered. 3. Judgement sampling: o Judgement means ability to make considered decisions. o This sampling relies on judgement of researcher. o This is also known as selective or subjective sampling. o Judgement has an advantage of time and cost effective. 4. Snowball sampling: o This method is used when subjects are difficult to trace. o This method is also used in situations in where the topic is highly sensitive and not openly discussed. o Researchers contact people they know or victims to collect information. o Existing respondents are asked to nominate further people known to them. 7.- Write about fundamental steps involved in survey. A. The important steps involved in planning and execution of a survey are 1. Objectives 2. Defining the population 3. Sample and sample frame 4. Selecting sample design 5. Method of Collecting the data 6. Data to be collected 7. Field work 8. Analysis of the data 1. Objectives: • The survey team should have an objective in mind. • The objective of survey must be defined in clear and concrete terms. • Some objectives may be immediate and some are far-reaching. • The investigator should take care of these objectives with the available resources in terms of money, manpower and the time limit required for the availability of the survey. 2. Defining the population: • This is the second step in conducting survey. • In this step population is defined. • Population should be defined in clear and unambiguous terms. • The geographical, demographic and other boundaries of population must be specified so that no ambiguity arises regarding the coverage of the survey. 3. Sample and sample frame: • Sample is defined as a part of population or subset of population. • Sampling frame is a list of all units in the population. • The sample or sampling units must cover the entire population. • Sample must be distinct, unambiguous, and non-overlapping. 4. Selecting the sample design: • This is the prominent step in planning a survey. • Proper sampling design must be selected. • This design should take into account of available resources and the time-limit. • The cost and precision should also be considered before the final selection of sampling design. 5. Method of collecting the data: • This step talks about the method adopted for collecting the data. • For collection of data, either interview method or online method is to be adopted. • There is a chance of non-response in online method. • Though online method is cost-effective and time saving method. 6. Data to be collected: • Data must be collected with respect to the survey and nature of the data. • One must prepare a questionnaire or a schedule of enquiry. • A questionnaire should be in specified order. • The questions should be clear, brief, collaborative, non-offending and unambiguous. 7. Field work: • Field work has several stages so it is to be well organized. • This step includes the different stages including training the field workers, supervising the field workers, etc. • The success of field survey depends on the reliable field work. • Inspection after field work by the adequate supervisors should be performed. 8. Analysis of data: • This is the last step in conducting the survey. • This step consists of o Scrutinize: the filled questionnaires should be carefully scrutinized to find whether data is plausible and consistent. o Tabulation: depending on quantity of data, hand tabulation or machine tabulation is to be drawn. o Statistical analysis: after tabulating the scrutinized data, very careful statistical analysis is to be made. o Report: finally, a report including detailed statement of different stages of survey should be prepared. Questions: 1. Define Survey? Write about types of surveys? 2. Define sampling? Write about characteristics of sampling? 3. Define survey? Explain why we need to conduct survey? (or) explain need for conducting survey? 4. what is online survey? Write about advantages of online survey? 5. Define survey? What are advantages and disadvantages of survey? 6. Define sampling? Explain types or techniques or methods? 7. Write about fundamental steps involved in survey.


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